Naked on the Road to Jericho

Naked on the Road to Jericho

The 26km journey from Jerusalem to Jericho involves a descent of some 3365ft – Jerusalem being 2540ft above sea level and Jericho 825ft below. At the time of Jesus, many of the Priests and Levites who served in the capital had their homes at its end. The...
Treasure in Jars of Clay

Treasure in Jars of Clay

The ancient Essene site of Qumran is about 1.5km from the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. With even earlier origins, the settlement was continuously inhabited from around 120BC until 68AD when it was destroyed by the Roman Army. Its amazing gift to the world comes...
How Love Wins

How Love Wins

On the Sunday evening of our conference, we saw the beginning of Steve Chapman Curtis’s beautiful  song, “How Love Wins”. Sadly, the laptop we were using ran out of battery before the finish, so i thought I would put it up here for those who might...
Waking Jesus

Waking Jesus

One of my favourite memories from our time in Israel is the boat ride on the Lake of Galilee. To be afloat on this ancient water, so often mentioned in the pages of the New Testament,  gazing around at such places as Cana, Capernaum, and the Mount of Beatitudes, and...
Judas in Green

Judas in Green

The Church of All Nations, also known as the Basilica of the Agony, is a Roman Catholic church located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. It stands right next to the Garden of Gethsemane, and is said to enshrine a section of bedrock where Jesus prayed before his...
Thrice Pressed

Thrice Pressed

One of the gifts of travelling to the Holy Land, is that we get to see and understand so much more fully the culture and setting of the scriptures. One great example of this, for me, has been grasping more deeply the connection between the context of Gethsemane and...